This course introduces ASP.NET Core WebAPI and RESTful services. This course is an entry point into both the Web application with ASP.NET Core and RESTful services training paths. The course focuses on using C#/ASP.NET Core and RESTful tools like OpenAPI or Swagger to implement programming logic, define and use Services and the creation of RESTful clients.
Dauer: 3 Tage
REST Introduction and Basics
- Introduction to distributed systems and environments
- Differences SOAP ? RESTful Services
- Richardson Maturity Model (RMM)
- Request-Response Pattern
- http-methods GET, POST, PUT, DEELETE
ASP.NET CORE Architecture and Basics
- Basic structure of a ASP.NET Core application
- Middleware Components
- Inversion of Control through Dependency Injection
- Routing in ASP.NET Core applications
- Create REST-Services with ASP.NET Core WebAPI
- Controller class
- Minimal API
- Parameters
- Format Responses
- Conventions
- Error handling
- Formatters
- Metadata and Documentation
- Swagger / OpenAPI
- NSwag
- OpenAPI Tools
- Domain Driven Design
Dat access and Data exchange
Introduction to Entity Framework Core
Creation of model classes
Data validation
Data Transfer Objects
Implementing Clients
.NET Client
JavaScript Client
Testing of ASP.NET Core WebAPIs
Testing WebApi methods
xUnit Tests
Authentication and Authorization
- Windows authentication
- Default authentication
- ASP.NET Core Identity
- JWT Bearer Token
- API Key authentication
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